Welcome to Online Marketing Academy
from Albie & Elizabeta!

An Unbiased Look at
World Profit
Are goal is not to criticize Worldprofit or any business
mentioned in these critiques. Many of these programs were
very helpful in our journey online and the
major strengths are listed first.

WORLD PROFIT is primarily a Training Site with
an unbelievable amount of tools to help the affiliate marketer
in advertising, SEO, email marketing etc...
Plus...there's more:
You can see the positives and negatives below:
Five of the POSITIVES are:
1) Abundance of Training Videos on affiliate marketing.
Worldprofit's 'Boot Camp' is one of the most comprehensive
and helpful training program I have ever been through.
2) Tons of helpful tools including tracking, cloaking tools, autoresponder,
Your own website set up for you and so much more.
4) Real people to talk to about affiliate marketing plus real weekly training.
5) They pay out for real.
The NEGATIVES are not clear cut:
I found that even though the training and tools were very helpful (in
fact it helped me to understand the basics of marketing with Safelists and Mailers)
I still struggled earning with WorldProfit. Let me explain:
On the positive side they understand the 5 Critical Skills
as you can see them using them practically on the site everyday:
They advertise effectively to get new clients all the time in the safelists,
they have a lot of effective capture pages to get new subscribers,
they communicate 1:1 with their clients through their "live"
reps that talk with you once you enter the site,
they obviously are building a huge mailing list
and they understand funnels because they take you through there
amazing pre-planned funnel. These are the 5 Critical Skills, however
figuring out how to use these strategies for my
own business was not made clear to me.
A new person is taught to build your list (Skill #3). They provide
an autoresponder as one of the hundreds of great tools inside WP.
However, I'm not convinced that the WP autoresponder has a very
good response rate as I never once recieved an email back from all the
people I emailed. Of course, I was not very good at understanding effective
communication with my list at this time, so that didn't help either.
They also teach you to advertise on a lot of safelists (Skill #2),
but I was not taught 1:1 communication skills
(even though they are excellent in this skill themselves).
You can also benefit personally from the active communication that happens
on the site. You are also taught the basics of using their funnel
for your advantage (Skill #5) but I was not taught how to build my own funnel.
I was not taught how to build my own capture pages (Skill #1) but they
do have a lot of pre-made pages you can use to advertise.
This is good and bad. The positive is that you have lots of choices of
pages to promote, the negative is that you don't learn how to take
control of dictating how many subscribers you can get by learning capture page skills.
I was also not taught how to see if an advertising site (such as a Safelist)
is effective or not - even though they do teach tracking skills.
Also you only earn about 20% through bringing a new person
into WorldProfit so it's not as easy to make back your
$100 monthly investment. However, I suppose that eventually when
you had built up enough clients, you could break even
and make a profit. They do make it possible to sell other items
in which you can earn much higher. I tried to sell these items but really didn't have
much success. The reason I didn't have success was
because I didn't understand how to promote these items effectively to my email list.
Essentially I didn't understand how the 5 Skills all worked together. This
may have been my own fault for not staying long enough with WP
or it might have been theirs for not giving me a practical focus
on achieving mastery over these skills when I become
dissalusioned (after I couldn't reach my initial goals)
In hindsight, perhaps we both made mistakes
which is probably the truth of it.
I'm guessing that maybe if you stick
with the program for over a year, you might begin to catch on to these
marketing tactics happening around you inside their system.
However as a newbie, its not obvious at all as you get lost
in the details you're learning.
This happens a lot in almost any program you join and
to be honest it takes years to master fundamental marketing skills.
I do think that perhaps if there was more of a focus on
mastering these skills, people may have more success.
It is also possible that some of these lack of skills not taught me were possibly
because I was only with the program for six months. Perhaps if I were there
a year, I would have more to share with you about this. Nevertheless,
this is what I discovered for you. Overall, I learned a ton from WP
and came away a better marketer in the end, even though still a
little dissalusioned. Want to see how I began succeeding
using the 5 Critical Skills? Go here
These are the positives and negatives I have.
Have an answer or different view
and want to email me? Go here
Hi! This is Albie
And here is my family:

I used to be a school teacher for 20 years. But then in 2012
my school lost funding and all the teachers including
myself lost their jobs. I started internet marketing
at that time thinking it would be easy to start earning online.
I was grossly mistaken. Long story made very
short, it took me years to learn the marketing skills
that changed everything for my business
partner Elizabeta and I in 2018.

And when we did begin to LEARN, IMPLEMENT & MASTER
them, everything changed for us earning online and we're confident
it will for YOU too!

How to succeed with the 5 Critical Skills
==>> Go here <<==
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Want to chat about WorldProfit?
Email Elizabeta and I here: